7:49 PM (45 minutes ago)
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Date: Sun, May 6, 2012 at 5:10 PM
Subject: Fw: New law just signed by the President
Subject: New law just signed by the President
This is really
frightening. Why
did I not know about this? sneaked
another one in on us.
law makes it illegal to protest in Obama's
means that, wherever Obama is, you do not have a
right to ask him anything you want to. His
secret service can have you arrested, fined, and
imprisoned for more than a YEAR if you ask him
something he doesn’t like. Sound like he’s more like
Hitler than Lincoln to you?
you’ve probably heard about this, but sending it on
anyway. It’s probably the scariest thing this
guy has done yet.
Are you
aware of this new law, signed by “Obama” in early
March 2012?
My (Ajax's) response:
It's only alarming if you take the news at face value, which I don't. Here's the Library of Congress text of the bill:
In order to protest, it has long been established that you may need a
permit and that those permits are typically freely given though with
minor restrictions to location for security purposes.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Protest_permit) That's to ensure
"orderly" protest and so police and officials don't consider you a
threat. On the face of it, this bill does not violate that.
We'll go line by line by this bill for the relevant parts:
(1) knowingly enters or remains in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so
(1) knowingly enters or remains in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so
"restricted buildings or ground without lawful authority to do so".
Think about that couple who purposely crashed a White House dinner a
few years ago for a publicity stunt. They knew they were
entering the White House and knew they weren't supposed to be there (http://www.nbcwashington.com/ news/local/Salahi-Special- 78131427.html).
Surely, you can understand why the government wants to criminalize
things like that. Fines may not stop attention whores; time in prison
will. If you think those people are harmless, think about the
distraction they can cause for the Secret Service that could open up
the President or VP to assassins/danger.
(2) knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly
conduct of Government business or official functions, engages in
disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such proximity to, any
restricted building or grounds when, or so that, such conduct, in fact,
impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of Government business or
official functions;
This the one that journalists are using to play up the "Obama is
EVIL and taking away our right to protest just because he doesn't want
to hear dissent!" angle. The only problem is that it has nothing to do
with people disagreeing with the President. It has to do with people
making a scene at events where the President is. At a town hall
meeting, if someone wants to hold the President's feet to the fire when they are given the microphone, they
are in no way "in fact" impeding or disrupting the function. If the
President's at a townhall meeting though, and someone who hasn't been
given the microphone suddenly stands up and starts shouting at the
President and his conduct is so egregious that the Secret Service has to intervene, well, yes, that person would be violating. Free Speech
does not allow you to endanger the President or VP. Causing a scene out
of context, again, would distract the Secret Service and open up the
President or VP to assassins/danger.
(3) knowingly, and with the intent to impede or disrupt the
orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, obstructs
or impedes ingress or egress to or from any restricted building or
What this will prevent is people knowingly blocking the president's
(and VP's) ability to enter and exit his residence, which I'm fairly
certain is illegal as it is (and should be), or places where he is
speaking. If our nations' enemies were able to foment protests that
blocked evacuation or entry of the Pres or VP, then they would be easier
targets for assassination. Regardless of party, this is unacceptable.
or (4) knowingly engages in any act of physical violence against
any person or property in any restricted building or grounds; or
attempts or conspires to do so, shall be punished as provided
Surely this is straightforward.
There are only a handful of people that I've ever discussed my political affiliation with so this isn't a matter of me "siding" with the President. Outside of Republican or Democrat, this bill is not akin to "Hitler" ramming anti-dissent legislation through. The Republicans control the House. They don't help Obama with squat if they don't want to. This got passed because it's common damn sense and reasonable.
If you hate Obama or hated Bush, good for you. Stick with "@#$! that guy"; that's enough; people get that. The only thing that happens when you try to pump up stuff like this to justify/class up your "@#$! that guy" and manufacture a controversy where there isn't one is that you're showing you don't really have any idea what you're talking about.
But then you'd be like most people I've met who are into politics, so what do I know?
Not a fan of this law. Not happy with O'Bama, but lest we forget: the Republicans in Congress supported this bill. This is not an executive order and not reasonable grounds for going on an "O'Bama is out to get Our Rights Rant" - unless you don't understand rudimentary structure of our Government.
Now, now. We all know if it is on Fox News, it MUST be true.
It's more likely to be Fox News these days with Obama in office, but I saw some ridiculous stuff citing MSNBC when it was Bush II.
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