I am absolutely, completely baffled that non-Tea Party politically-affiliated folks are absolutely, completely baffled by the "Government Shutdown." I am this way, not because I'm a Tea Partier, but because I'm an objective observer who doesn't live in a bubble with people with the exact same views as myself.
While I'm sure ACA funding/defunding is definitely an issue for the Tea Party, their entire "organization"/base is built around the fundamental, fanatical belief that government is too large and intrusive. They are not FOR any particular measure of government. They are AGAINST virtually all government...all but the most essential forms (of which I would bet no two tea partiers could absolutely agree upon).
They fall under the rubrik of the Republican Party because we have a two party system and they sure as hell aren't falling under the Democrats, but Tea Partiers don't identify especially with Republicans and non-Tea Party Republicans are usually a bit aghast at the Tea Partiers. The Tea Party, because of their views, are mostly marginalized. They are helpful to the Republicans when there are close contests that they might be able to rally them to win, but for the most part, they are very difficult for the Republicans because they are not a "political" faction, in that there isn't really room for compromise with the Tea Party. Indeed, any Republican legislator who attempts compromise, or who deviates from the strictest form of conservatism is derisively labeled a "RINO" (Republican In Name Only) by Tea Partiers
Now, the issue with the shutdown is...it gives the Tea Party what they wants better than any other way they could politically achieve it. How on earth did the Democrats and moderate Republicans not see this coming? Of course the Tea Party wasn't going to budge. The shutdown gives them what they want. You mean the government gets pared down to "essential" services and "non-essential" services get shut down (they relabled them "excepted" and "non-excepted" but that's what they used to be call and what they still mean)?
That isn't what the Tea Party wants? It is?
And they got exactly what they wanted? And you want them to negotiate to give it back?
Do you not know how negotiating works?
As I say, it is baffling. There was one area that the Tea Party could have been destroyed, or at least severely damaged, and the Democrats, and President Obama in particular, absolutely screwed the pooch.
The Troops are still going to be paid because of a last minute bill that was passed and signed last night.
The conservatives who make up the Tea Party love The Troops more than just about anything else. The Troops not being paid would have torn into their resolve and would have given them pause. Hurting The Troops would have split the Tea Party constituents.
Now, though, the districts that have elected Tea Party representatives could care less that Democrats and moderate Republicans go on the news and rail and lament. In fact, they probably are excited about it.
When articles and reports say that the shutdown will cost the economy $1 billion dollars a week in lost government employee wages, they will look at that and say, "That's $1 billion we're not having to borrow to pay."
That's another thing. Heaven help moderate Republicans and Democrats if someone releases a budget report showing the government's income/outflow under the "shutdown" and it shows that they're equal or that the government is drawing in more than it spends.
No way in hell Tea Partiers budge when the budget isn't $1 Trillion in deficit. They might want a surplus applied to paying down debt. Or they might say that a surplus means there should be a cut in taxes.
The issue, the bubble, is that moderate republicans and democrats argue and say "that doesn't make sense! That's now how it works!" That doesn't matter because THAT'S NOT WHAT THE TEA PARTY BELIEVES. Failing to understand that has just cost them tremendous political power.
And moderate Republicans and Democrats just gave a marginal faction massive political power and exactly what Tea Party constituents want.
Good luck getting that back.
The lesson, as always, is know thy opponent. I bet the Tea Party is thrilled their opponents didn't know them.
While I'm sure ACA funding/defunding is definitely an issue for the Tea Party, their entire "organization"/base is built around the fundamental, fanatical belief that government is too large and intrusive. They are not FOR any particular measure of government. They are AGAINST virtually all government...all but the most essential forms (of which I would bet no two tea partiers could absolutely agree upon).
They fall under the rubrik of the Republican Party because we have a two party system and they sure as hell aren't falling under the Democrats, but Tea Partiers don't identify especially with Republicans and non-Tea Party Republicans are usually a bit aghast at the Tea Partiers. The Tea Party, because of their views, are mostly marginalized. They are helpful to the Republicans when there are close contests that they might be able to rally them to win, but for the most part, they are very difficult for the Republicans because they are not a "political" faction, in that there isn't really room for compromise with the Tea Party. Indeed, any Republican legislator who attempts compromise, or who deviates from the strictest form of conservatism is derisively labeled a "RINO" (Republican In Name Only) by Tea Partiers
Now, the issue with the shutdown is...it gives the Tea Party what they wants better than any other way they could politically achieve it. How on earth did the Democrats and moderate Republicans not see this coming? Of course the Tea Party wasn't going to budge. The shutdown gives them what they want. You mean the government gets pared down to "essential" services and "non-essential" services get shut down (they relabled them "excepted" and "non-excepted" but that's what they used to be call and what they still mean)?
That isn't what the Tea Party wants? It is?
And they got exactly what they wanted? And you want them to negotiate to give it back?
Do you not know how negotiating works?
As I say, it is baffling. There was one area that the Tea Party could have been destroyed, or at least severely damaged, and the Democrats, and President Obama in particular, absolutely screwed the pooch.
The Troops are still going to be paid because of a last minute bill that was passed and signed last night.
The conservatives who make up the Tea Party love The Troops more than just about anything else. The Troops not being paid would have torn into their resolve and would have given them pause. Hurting The Troops would have split the Tea Party constituents.
Now, though, the districts that have elected Tea Party representatives could care less that Democrats and moderate Republicans go on the news and rail and lament. In fact, they probably are excited about it.
When articles and reports say that the shutdown will cost the economy $1 billion dollars a week in lost government employee wages, they will look at that and say, "That's $1 billion we're not having to borrow to pay."
That's another thing. Heaven help moderate Republicans and Democrats if someone releases a budget report showing the government's income/outflow under the "shutdown" and it shows that they're equal or that the government is drawing in more than it spends.
No way in hell Tea Partiers budge when the budget isn't $1 Trillion in deficit. They might want a surplus applied to paying down debt. Or they might say that a surplus means there should be a cut in taxes.
The issue, the bubble, is that moderate republicans and democrats argue and say "that doesn't make sense! That's now how it works!" That doesn't matter because THAT'S NOT WHAT THE TEA PARTY BELIEVES. Failing to understand that has just cost them tremendous political power.
And moderate Republicans and Democrats just gave a marginal faction massive political power and exactly what Tea Party constituents want.
Good luck getting that back.
The lesson, as always, is know thy opponent. I bet the Tea Party is thrilled their opponents didn't know them.
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