Thursday, June 23, 2005

World Wearied: June 23rd, 2005

We found a sports bar that carried the NBA game and on the way there we ran into Niels, who had finally bathed, thankfully. After the game, Niels took us around to the various dance clubs here in Cusco where he was trying to meet up with the other teaching volunteers. Andrew and I shook our "groove thang" mightily, which, as some of you are well aware, meant that I had been pouring down my fair share of the sauce ("my fair share" = way more than decency allows).

After having gone to (and conquered, in my opinion) about five clubs, we finally found the volunteers. Niels was right to have gone to so much trouble to find them. Most of them were girls and they were smokin'. Unfortunately, they were all also nineteen. It was/is sad. I'm twenty- six; is there something wrong with me when I'm not willing to put up with what comes out of a nineteen- year- old's mouth just because she's hot? Hell, even when they didn't say anything, they just exuded their... well, whatever that was so annoying about their youth. At any rate, the fact that we were all shaking it to songs that came out before they were born and I remembered from my childhood quite vividly didn't help my carmudgeonly instincts. After about thirty minutes of having the nineteen year old guys try to cut in and having to toss them, Andrew and I, like proper old men, decided that was too much of that silliness and went back to the hostel to crash.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - I am definitely happy to find this. Good job!