Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Murphy's Law (Job!!!)

So, as many know, since I graduated from law school and took the bar, which I subsequently passed, I have been trying to get a job, but not as a lawyer, though I kicked the tires on law jobs too. I was working with a recruiter from Fluor, one of three companies that have the government contract on Afghanistan, but, after he got me an interview with a hiring manager in October (I didn't get the job obviously), he fell off the radar. He wouldn't answer my emails or phone calls. Finally, at the end of last month, I finally got through to him and he said, "Oh, I got a different job in the company. Keep applying on-line. Good luck." Sweet!...

As I've had no job nor job prospects, I've been hemorrhaging money. My cousin Dave had been nice enough to let me stay with him for free for a few months, but still, I've had bills. I even had to cash out the IRA that I'd built up from my years in the army in order to pay bills. At a crossroads, I took the only option I had, really. The government passed a new GI BILL. In addition to paying tuition and books, it gave me a living allowance that was more than I'd get in unemployment. I talked to USC and it was easy to get back in.

Flashforward to today. After leaving my new Columbia apartment, which I've only just gotten set up, I was in my Economics class. The professor was just giving his definition of unemployment, when I got a phone call from the new recruiter from Fluor. I rushed out of the classroom and took the call.

She'd called yesterday to let me know she'd taken over the reins from the old recruiter, but I just figured she wanted to touch base with me. At any rate, I answered. Turned out, she'd already found a hiring manager who wanted to hire me. She offered me the job. I accepted.

After I got off the phone with her, I immediately went to the financial aid dept, bursar's office, and registrar to remove myself from classes, all of which was made complicated by the fact that I'd paid for my tuition and fees earlier today, not realizing I'd get a job offer.

My 2nd undergrad lasted under two days. I now have to break my lease and pack up my apartment.

So long as I pass my medical and dental exams, I now think I will be the highest paid member of my graduating class at law school. Hysterical.

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