Thursday, November 29, 2012

Piss Poor Persuasion

I am mad. 

Read this article from the Washington Post:

Now read this plate of hot garbage, an op-ed by the Dean of Case Western Law:

I like how he passed over the low percentage (50%) on first jobs at law firms. You know what happens if people don't get first jobs at firms? Public sector pays just enough to pay the minimums on that "mortgage" he tried to blithely disregard. Solo practitioners have a stunning failure rate and most are buried by the necessity of that "mortgage payment" and have to give up. The problem with the mortgage crap is when you have a mortgage for a house and you can't make the payments or don't want it anymore, you can sell it and walk away. Law school debt is a mortgage for a house you never see and you can't sell.

For the large numbers of folks that don't get law firm gigs or public jobs, that means an unrelated field that not only didn't need a law degree in the first place, but in fact, the JD can make it more difficult to get hired. Plus they still get to pay that invisible house mortgage.

If this is representative of the rhetorical skills that dean's school imparts, then all I have to say is Hell with Case Western and Hell with that fella.

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