Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You Better Know Who You're Talking To

That last thing on earth a guy on a date wants to have happen is to get drawn into an argument with a total douchebag.  But, tried as I might to avoid it, it happened anyway, and the douchebag had the nerve to pull out the "PhD in Obscure Something Something at  Famous West-Coast University" as the argument-ender.   I was non-plussed.

"I'd be impressed if you hadn't opened your mouth and proved you're an idiot. I don't know how you defended a legitimate doctoral thesis when you just got your ass handed to you by a guy with a bare hold on a 3.0 for his bachelor's at a state university. Now, instead of being wowed by your fancy degree, you may as well have told me you got a Participation Trophy in Everyone Succeeds at Hugs and Kisses Klown Kollege."
...was what I thought to myself.

But she was wearing a short dress and she had a great butt and she'd already ordered the lobster (wink, wink), so I smiled and said, "Of course you're right" and ordered more wine.

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