Sunday, January 16, 2005

A Former Soldier of Mine (Comments)

Below are thoughts from my comrades. As they sent these directly to me, I will not divulge their names. I pass their comments, not to push any agenda, but merely to help give those of you who haven't been here a more complete picture of how things are viewed by those that have lived, and are living, though it:

The first:

"I think I was at that firefight in Buhriz. It was my last day on the job. My platoon was sweeping a palm grove and doing house- to- house fighting. The 2-2 "Terminator" Platoon was doing firefights in the Palm Grove. They killed several attackers...all of whom were under the age of 16. Two 14- year olds were killed (with an RPG launcher in their hand mind you) and we captured an 11- year old boy. After intense questioning, he spilled his guts, admitting that a man in town will pay $50 and give a free RPG launcher to kids who want to fight Americans. It's a messed up world we live in. If it was a different fight from the one your NCO was in, well, this is a messed up country.

"I have fought back a hatred for this culture since day one...but the truth is we fight ignorance and poverty. These children see American movies and listen to American music...and are frustrated by their lack of means to acquire wealth. This by no means excuses their actions, but it provides some insight into their lives.

"Saddam kept his people poor and ignorant. That is the mess we are in today. It's his fault. Not Islam's. Not the U.S.'s, not anybody's but the former regime leadership's. Yeah, bad preachers are to blame, but talk to any semi-educated Iraqi and they will tell you they don't care about Shia or Sunni. They just want to live a peaceful life.

"It's not about Iraqis and it's not about religion. Those are just easy pidgeonholes for us to try and understand which people attack us and which ones won't (Shia are more pro American historically unless freaking Sadr says to do otherwise). Really, it has more to do with, as I said, ignorance and poverty. Of couse, the idea of Jihad (a private fight against sin) and belief in fate (or God's will) doesn't help any as they are corrupted easily. Still, poverty and ignorance.

"I really try not to hate these people, their lies, their willing blindness. This will all pass eventually. It's an uphill battle, but one that I hope will be viewed well in the future."

The Second:

"For me, it was the day after the Turn Over of Sovereignty, when all the attacks stopped. People decided that we weren't so bad, since we'd kept our word and actually looked like the good guys for a few days. The reason that it pissed me off was that it really conveyed to me how little the average guy trying to kill me cares.

"These are not 'Die Hard' guys committed to their cause; they are wishy-washy dickheads who will set their weapons down and live peacefully when they think we're not so bad. That would all sound good, except for the fact that it means that they also weren't all that sold on the fact that we were definitely evil and needed to be killed in the first place... yet they were still willing to lob mortars and rockets into my living area!

"They get stirred up and follow the urge of the moment, even if the urge of that moment means someone else dies! The fucking selfish children!"

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