Monday, December 11, 2006

An Ode to Sarah Henry

This evening as the group walked out
and went to get some food,
Ms. Henry did begin to pout
and claimed that I was rude.

"André, you're always quick to tease,
not one nice thing to say.
For once in your life, pretty please,
throw compliments my way."

"Sarah, I just cannot comply
as much as I would want.
I'll leave that for some other guy,
whose dreams you no doubt haunt.

"It is just not in my nature
to say what's plain to see.
You've a stunning smile, eyes that lure,
inspiring beauty.

"Heaven forbid that you should know
and ruin what is best.
Your glorious lack of ego
sets you out from the rest."

"Many are the less pretty girls
who think that they are great,
and when their vanity unfurls
it makes me quite irate.

"So better yet I tease you well
than lose you to the mass.
If you don't like it, go to hell.
I will not kiss your ass."

And then she punched me in the face...

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