Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How on Earth Did I Manage This?

So...I've been hollering at Hawt Chick™.  Don't ask me how I've managed to pull it off; I certainly don't know.  I think it's like how I don't really understand the exact process whereby the nuclear reactions happening 93 million miles away result in my skin turning red, then brown.  I mean I get the gist of it, but not the details.  I figure sometimes it's best to just accept and get on with your day.  No good will come from trying to figure out exactly why talking to this woman hasn't resulted in a tasering.

Yes, Hawt Chick is very good looking.  The women I go after tend to be on the Sweet-Jesus-Out-of-My-League end of the looks spectrum.  Still, there's gotta be more.  I've met lots of women on that end of the spectrum and a great many of them were as interesting as paint.  Looks are a stellar foot in the door, but if you are boring, I will go elsewhere.  As hung up as everyone is on looks, it's amazing how common good looking people are.  I run across them all the time.  Women I want to date though?  Hardly ever.

Anyway, Hawt Chick is very good looking.  But that's not it.  She jumps out of airplanes and surfs and practices yoga and competes in triathlons and runs long distances on the beach just for fun and speaks German fluently and rowed in college and has lived abroad and, in general, is sorta fearless.  Well, if not fearless, since the truly fearless are abjectly stupid, she's one who overcomes her fears or doesn't let fear get in the way of new experiences.   

She's also a law school graduate who's just taken the bar exam. 

So, she's adventurous, athletic, intelligent and Hawt. And she somehow lets me pester her.  They make those? I had no idea. Yes, please.

When I stumbled upon exactly how monumentally fantastic she is (she's not one to air it), I took note and made the command decision to pounce.  There's no dilly-dallying or cowardice when a woman like that comes along.  You either go for it or you kick yourself forever. A woman like that is not to be dismissed or ignored or put on hold while you figure out how to man up.  Not if a man has any sense.  That she was somehow single shows that men must not have any sense.

Thank God.

I somehow convinced her to pick me up from the airport the day I arrived back from Afghanistan.

I can only assume her judgment was compromised from studying for the bar exam.   

If guys didn't go after women while their defenses were down, they'd never get women out of their league. 

It was July 4th.  Independence Day for the country.  Independence Day for me.

This is me exiting the airport.  I met Hawt Chick one night last year when I was back for vacation. Other than that, I've not spent time around her.  Other than a few photos on Facebook, I don't really remember what she looks like.  I know she's good looking.

This is Hawt Chick as she gets out of the car to help me with my bags.

This is me taking one look at her and realizing how far out of my league she is.  Note that subtlety is not my forte. 

I regain my composure.

Then I make sure this is happening for real.

Then I either become a genius or really stupid. I'm not sure and I don't think it matters.

It works.

Looks aren't my strong suit. I know that.  I have to work the other angles.  Fortunately, I know women's Achilles Heel is laughter.  I turn it on.

I get a little over confident and try to ad lib

This is me horrified at my own stupidity.

This is me going back to what works and her letting my idiocy slide.  Again, I have no idea why.

For some reason I don't comprehend, she agreed to hang out with me again.  I'm running with it until a judge orders otherwise.

Or she reads this.


thoughtful friend said...

ask her if she thinks you are a perfect canidate for 101 ways to leave a game show you are a master of trivia wear hawanian shirts and an indiana jones hat perfect tv hawt chicks love tv stars ps you would win 50 grand in the bargin

Emily Grace said...

Just lay no claims to being an artist. She sounds too smart to fall for that one....and well...she has eyes!

Ajax said...

Yes, but if she's letting me around her, clearly her eyes are defective.

Anonymous said...

Its been 32 years, maybe God is finally sending some thing good your way.
As we know He is the great tester, so this is a test. Unfortunately He never publishes the rubric, so good luck!