Monday, July 19, 2004

Defense of Honor!!! (Re: FW: Write a Soldier)

I feel that my character has been impugned by several of you who have deigned to suggest, both blatantly and subtly, that I wrote SGT Rickenbacker's letter. While, obviously, I posted it, and I happen to agree with much of what it says, I would never, ever sink so low as to berate a child, regardless of the circumstance. Indeed, I found the letter funny, in a very impersonal email sort of way, but, I must inquire, have any of you ever seen me act in any way that would suggest that I would be capable of saying such hurtful things? I submit to you all that I have always been a champion of the less fortunate, both in general [my years of community service (not court- ordered, mind you)] and particular (Campbell). I kindly, yet firmly, request that those of you who have propagated and perpetuated such malignant mendacities please retract them.

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