Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My/Your/Their Happiness

I've wind in my sails
the lapping of waves in my ears
sunshine on my face and chest
the emanating warmth of liquor 
spreading forth gutward out
Alone here in my tiny boat
At peace

And you in your hulking marvel
standing on the topmost deck
arm around your loved one
amongst the teeming giddy crowd
you look out at the world beyond
and know the moment is for you

Behind your miracle of engineering
a flock of seagulls dip and dart and dive and soar
a veritable cloud so thick are they in their bedlam
praising whatever deity they can possibly conceive
for the feast that's been presented to them
though if they had sense they'd worship
your ship's turbine-powered props
dicing up fleets of fish sucked in 
their mechanical maws

Happiness abounds distinctly.

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