Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Tenuous Grip!

What a load of horsecrap! We are very stable here. Wow. That is really, really off base and just flat out wrong. No, you know what? It's all true. I'm typing this from the bunker with my left hand while I shoot all of the attackers with my right. Oh Lord, I just shot a suicide bomber between the eyes! Oh no, theres one hundred thousand behind him... and they're all women and children! Aaaahhhh.... It's all slipping away! Thank God the media finally told it like it is!!!!

P.S. We're on the edge of the city.

Wyman wrote:

"I just read an article from the NYTimes (listed below) with the line below. I didn't realize it had gotten so bad in your city. Are you in Baquba or outside of the city? Take care.--Y

September 19, 2004
U.S. Plans Year-End Drive to Take Iraqi Rebel Areas

American forces have lost control over at least one provincial capital, Ramadi, in Al Anbar Province, and have only a tenuous grip over a second, Baquba, the capital of Diyala Province northeast of Baghdad."

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