Friday, February 25, 2011

Dictator's Guide to Holding Power: Part 4

As the events in the Muslim world of late have shown, despite thousands of years of evidence on what works to acquire and maintain a stranglehold on a populace, modern (im)potentates have clearly been out of the loop. Thus, for their benefit and that of their subjugated masses, I present

The Dictator's Guide to Holding Power (Part 4: Crackin' Skulls)

Now, so far in this guide I've focused on what it takes to dominate the populace because mass demonstrations have caused instability throughout the Islamic world.  However, I really can't state how unprecedented this much popular unrest is.  Typically, protests are from a small subset persecuted group (e.g. Kurds, Sunni in a Shia country, Shia in a Sunni country, etc).

I will give a wee bit of credit.  The teetering dictatorships may have completely dropped the ball on entertaining and feeding and ruling from the shadows, but they were all over Crackin' Skulls.

You see, typically, the biggest threat to a dictator doesn't come from the distant little people; it comes from the elite.  It's been that way for thousands of years.  There's chaos and one man, though force of will (and usually with a frightening talent for bloodletting) unites.  A king, a monarch, does so with the approbation of the people and nobility.

Peerless Leader of Men

A despot does so through fear and intimidation

Don't believe the hype; Jimmy will stab you in the face

Despots are usually overthrown by a close circle once his actions are too threatening to their livelihood or power.  Because they're a smaller group, organizing  resistance is more manageable.

Anyway, as I said, the modern Muslim despots have been absolutely fantastic at keeping the elite down, but at the expense of placating the populace.  You, however, are properly following this guide and so know to toss them a bone.  Here, then, is how to adequately crush opposition through the ever-so-satisfying application of tools in your dictatorial handbag 

 Yes, dictators have handbags. I assure you they're very macho.

1.  Get Rid of the Elite Who Won't/Don't Back You-  This is pretty straightforward.  Imprison through trumped up charges; assassinate with death under suspicious circumstances; flat-out send the military or police to murder.  You have options.  However you choose to do it depends on the proper balance of placating the masses (not breaking the illusion of your puppet government) and driving fear into the hearts of friend and foe alike.  You should have done most of this when you were coming to power, but if anyone ever directly challenges you, crush them or expect your lack of response to be taken as a sign of weakness that will snowball into a coup or revolution.

2.  Get Rid of the Elite Who Do Back You-  It's never a bad thing to stir the pot from time to time.  If you're a dictator the status quo can be your worst enemy because it allows your minions time to plan rather than be fearing for their safety.  Remember, a lot of your supporters are ruthless too, so, eventually, as you've held power long enough, you'll have done something to make them resent you,  even if it's simply the fact that you haven't killed anyone lately and your lack of bloodshed is viewed as a weakness.  To stave off the inevitable, a thinning/pruning is just the ticket.  It's just how it is.  

When you remove someone, it helps to have a legitimate excuse, but it's not 100% necessary.  The key is to keep your subordinates on their loyal toes, so focused on preventing a hint of suspicion that they'll turn anyone in they think is becoming disloyal.  If you do your job right, their paranoia will have them pointing fingers at each other and giving you all the justification you need.  It never hurts to personally murder someone from time to time as that boosts your ruthlessness.

 "All Right! My dictator unlocked +10 bloodthirsty!"

Don't overdo it though.  If you kill too many and make them think you're insane or make them too scared, the elite will completely join together to overthrow you.  

Lastly, another positive to killing an older supporter is that the person you elevate to their position will be in your pocket because a) you gave him what he didn't have before and b) he saw up close what happens if he doesn't toe the line.

3.  Secret Police- If you haven't already, set up a "secret" police.  Make sure everyone knows about it.

You have the right to remain...fabulous!

Have a sizable portion of them known.  Keep some actually secret, of course, but the ones out in the open are your main source of fear and intimidation.  You don't need to have them actually do nefarious things, just have them rumored to have killed or what have you.  For example, someone important died in a car crash?  Happens all the time.  No reason for you to waste an opportunity to take credit for it, even if they really died because they were texting while driving

Dumbass photographers pestered her, but now people 
are a little more respectful of QE2, aren't they?

When your secret police do actually take someone out, make sure people know about it and know why.  Send it out through back channels, while denying in public.  Smile in front of cameras; slice throats behind closed doors.

Uncle Walt don't take @$#! from no one!

Up Next: Run Them in Circles


Anonymous said...

I was totally into this thread until you knocked the peanut farmer... c'mon dude, have you ever heard him preach?

Ajax said...

Only every time he's ever had a camera on him and a microphone put in front of his face.